How to Prepare and Support a Hesitant Buyer

Many Realtors believe that a hesitant buyer (who isn’t ready, willing, and able right now) might not be worth investing in. But there are two strategies that you can put into place so that your potential buyer doesn’t turn into a lost lead.

Stay In Front of Your Leads

In this situation, it’s imperative to remember that people change their mind all the time. This person might not be ready to buy at this exact moment, but it doesn’t mean that they won’t be. If you let them go or you don’t stay in contact with them, you’re making a big mistake. You’re missing an opportunity to stay in front of them and be the first person they come to when they are ready. Put them into your CRM or contact management database and don’t forget to follow up with them.

Connect Your Buyer with Your Lender

It’s likely that your buyer has not sought out accurate or reliable information on how much they need for a down payment or what their true price point is. Lenders give your client true perspective on what they need to do to get ready to buy. They ask the hard questions so that your client understands their purchasing power sooner rather than later. What you will find is your client is either:

  • nowhere near ready and they aren’t a true buyer (in which case keep them in your database)


  • they actually have the money and their original timeline can be expedited

Don’t lose a buyer because you don’t stay in front of them. Help them better understand what they need to do to be prepared to buy. Drip market to them, just as you would to anyone in your sphere. But whatever you do, don’t neglect them.

